After such a huge disappointment with MP45 (or as I call it, MPieceOfCrap45), I am putting
together a workout routine for my own needs an capabilities. The idea is to make proper adjustments during the first week figuring out what amount of sets and exercises will work for me, mostly based on how much time I’m willing to spend at the gym. The current split I’ll be doing is a two days of heavy lifting (lower and upper body), one rest day, followed by moderate to lighter weight routines distributed as follows. One legs days, one back and biceps day, one chest and triceps day, a rest day and a shoulders and traps day. Cardio and abs will be extra to this split. I’m not planning on a weekly split, but instead on consecutive days, which will make each day of the week different from the previous week. Also, I’m dedicating a day just for shoulders since Read more
MP45 Final Review
Today being the first day of week number 2 doing MPieceOfCrap45, better known as MP45, I have decided to put an end to this nonsense and stop using this SCAM.
It is unfortunate that I cannot give a detailed example of why I am stopping this program by showing you the actual list of the workouts and diet, but I will try to explain the best I can why this program is 100% crap. I’ll try to do this in a short summary below, and then I’ll explain in better Read more
MP45 Review – Week 1
Is this how I look after completing one week of MP45? By the end of this post you’ll know whether or not that’s the case.
This is my first official review of the MP45 fitness program after one week of following both the exercises routines and meal plan. The workout plan doesn’t get any easy, although I’m disappointed at the description of phase 1 of getting acclimated by the creator of this plan when stating “focusing on full body workouts 3 times during the week plus 2 cardio workouts on different days”. My main issue with this, being someone who has been working out for a while, is the lack of focus on muscle groups. I’m a huge fan of giving each muscle group plenty of attention, especially working my shoulders a lot since they are muscles I’m trying to develop more, but for now I’ve been limited to what the program suggests. As part of my review I have to stick Read more
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MP45 – Day 1
Today was my first day doing MP45. While is too soon to talk good or bad about the program, I wanted to do a quick review today, and then start doing weekly summaries about the progress in general, including meals and workouts.
How was my first impression in regards to the workout. While I had already written down on my notepad each set I needed to do, so when the time came I only had to write the weight and reps information along with any notes for future reference, I didn’t realize how intense the workout was going to be. Personally, I truly believe Read more
The Time Has Come Once Again To Review A New Program – MP45
MP45? What is that thing? Well, in case you haven’t been paying attention to the internet ads, Facebook fitness groups, and Google results for best fitness programs, MP45 seems to be the newest and “hottest” workout system where some people are claiming these amazing results in just 45 days. Yes, you read that right, only 45 days. Of course, me being me, Read more
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Virginia Key MTB Trail
Although I’ve been riding bicycle for most of my life, and have done some crazy stuff like riding one downhill with no breaks or going at crazy speed during a rainy day (I still have visible scars from the fall), I have never in my life gone mountain biking on an off road trail before. Being someone who loves nature and outdoors activities, plus the fact I own a GoPro camera, got me into buying a Specialized Hardrock MTB and give it a try after seeing we have some really nice trails in South Florida.

Josef Rakich Fitness – A 12 Weeks Program
One would say that after trying so many fitness plans I should already look like a fitness model. Yet, here I am, fat… I mean far from looking like one, and asking myself why.
While the answer could be narrowed to two very simple facts, I would dare to say it goes beyond those two reasons, but for the purpose of this blog and to avoid getting into a ridiculously long post, I’ll stick with those two, which are diet and health. Read more
Spartan Race – Tampa Sprint 2015
What better than celebrating Valentine’s Day by running a Spartan Race? Luckily for me, I don’t really celebrate V-Day, but I do love obstacle races, which was a pretty damn good reason to stay away fro all the love posts online.
Left home at 4am to drive up to Tampa, with enough time to get ready for the race, including setting up my GoPro camera. Temperature was around 42º by the time my race was about to start, which is not a big deal, but when you’re about to run and most probably jump in cold water, it becomes one of those “oh crap, this is going to be fun…. not” moments.