Polar M400 Smart Fitness Watch Review

Polar M400 Review
Polar M400 Review

Today I decided to do a review on the Polar M400 Smart Fitness Watch. Why? Because that’s the one I use. Now, what’s so special about this watch anyway, considering the enormous amount of fitness trackers and watches in the present market? Well, it all depends on what you’re looking for, your budget, and what kind of activities you do. Read more

Mind vs Body

The mind is a major bitch if you think about it. It is the one thing that gets us out of shape and tries its best to keep us there, completely out of shape and hating our bodies. Whether you’re working out and your mind keeps telling you it is enough, to stop because it hurts, because it isn’t worth it, because maybe you don’t need to keep pushing. OR when your stomach is already full, yet your mind keeps telling you you’re still hungry, a little more will be great because it tastes good and it won’t make a big difference, or because that good tasting food will somehow help your emotions get better (and actually give you a pleasant sensation after you eat when the reality is, the reason you’re not feeling good emotionally is still there and sooner than later you’ll start feeling down again) pushing you towards a physical state you hate.

Add to this the constant negative attacks from society, friends, significant other and family members. People will question your motives, will tell you the opposite of encouraging comments, will try to hold you down from growing and achieving your goals.

This is why it is so important to work on the mental attitude, to train yourself to ignore your mind, to stop listening to that “quitter” voice inside your head and from those around you, that will constantly to drag you back down to that place you hate to be. Surrounding yourself with people who will encourage you either with words, their hard work or both, and who won’t judge you, will also help you achieve this.

Some people say fitness is 70% eating and 30% workouts. I’d say for most it is 50% mental, 35% eating and 15% fitness.

A little bit of a rant!

Hello internet world! Sometimes I feel like the only audience I attract to this blog are spammers, since I get so many spam comments I have to delete, but not even one from people who might find this blog useful?

I’m not really sure what kind of audience I’m attracting to my blog, but looking at the stats below, just from today, I would expect someone would either ask any question or start a debate about my posts.

In any case, I really hope my posts are helping people out there to decide whether or not they should try any of the programs I have reviewed here, even if I don’t hear from anyone at all.

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Lee Lebrada’s week one progress

And it’s been officially a week…. and one day since I started Lee Lebrada’s 12-week lean body trainer. Although the plan doesn’t follow a 7 days a week format, I’m counting each week since the program’s length is 12 weeks, besides, it is easier to check progress this way.

So! What are my first impressions and what results did I get, if any? Well, Read more

Mr. Lyle McDonald Interviews

I’ve been looking into Lyle McDonald books, since it seems the guy is a really knowledgable about burning body fat and coming up with some great protocol to burn body fat fast. I came across this guy thanks to my friend who tried Lyle’s protocol and she got awesome results.

Anyway, I found a couple of videos on YouTube that I feel are pretty interesting and provide really good information. Read more