Lee Lebrada’s week one progress

And it’s been officially a week…. and one day since I started Lee Lebrada’s 12-week lean body trainer. Although the plan doesn’t follow a 7 days a week format, I’m counting each week since the program’s length is 12 weeks, besides, it is easier to check progress this way.

So! What are my first impressions and what results did I get, if any? Well, Read more

Mr. Lyle McDonald Interviews

I’ve been looking into Lyle McDonald books, since it seems the guy is a really knowledgable about burning body fat and coming up with some great protocol to burn body fat fast. I came across this guy thanks to my friend who tried Lyle’s protocol and she got awesome results.

Anyway, I found a couple of videos on YouTube that I feel are pretty interesting and provide really good information. Read more