I apologize for not posting my review and progress during week three. Between work and being busy exploring new events and activities more than I have previously, I barely had any time left to post my review. Instead, here I am, when I have officially completed week 4 of STS. Therefore, what I’m planning to do is an overview of both week 3 and week 4, going over what I consider the most important parts. Read more
Month: September 2016
Front Lever Progress

The Front Lever
It has been a little over two years since the last time I tried doing Front Levers. At that time I was working at a small private gym and weighting about 10 less than I weight now. I can’t really recall where I first saw this exercise but it called my attention making me want to try it. For me it was a time where anything that looked challenging enough I would Read more
Week 2 of Shortcut to Shred
Here I am, two weeks into the program and about to start my third week of STS (or S2S like some like to call it). So, what has been different about this second week? Not much really, other than reps per set and of course decreasing my carbohydrates. While the first 3 days of training the reps range decreased, allowing me to go heavier on each exercise, during the remaining 3 days of the week the reps increased, which of course, had me using less weight to meet the reps goals. One of my concerns was how my body would react to eating 93.6 g of carbs less a day, but my body reacted nice to it, not making feel with less energy. Read more
One Week of Shortcut to Shred
It has been a week already since I started Shortcut to Shred, and I won’t deny I was a little intimidated by the sudden caloric increase in my diet. This morning, just as I did last Wednesday as soon as I woke up, I took my new set of pictures, got on the scale, measured myself and measured my body fat % using my very cheap caliper.
Before I continue to compare today’s measurements with last week’s, I will talk a little about my experience during this first week when it. Read more
My thoughts on MyFitnessPal
When it comes about free nutrition tools to help us keep track of our calorie and macronutrients intake, MyFitnessPal (MFP) is probably one of the most popular apps available today. A dear friend introduced me to it years ago calling it the “Facebook For Fatties”, which I thought it was brilliant. Being into fitness, and having the opportunity to use a free tool to track my calories and meet new people with the same interest, I didn’t even think twice about it and opened an account. Read more