Want to know how did I change my body in just 90 days as shown in the picture below?
Well, here’s the secret which is not so much of a secret.

Last year, after I had spent sometime being inactive and putting on some extra body fat, I came across an article from CutAndJacked.com where they had interviewed Lazar Angelov (if you don’t know who this guy is, click on the his name and you’ll see his amazing body) and he had provided a workout routine he does. While I’m very skeptical about the veracity of these workouts, since most people in the fitness industry usually keep their routines “secret” as part of their business strategy, since they charge for workout plans and routines to their clients, I decided to give it a try and see what would happen.
Along with the routine, I also changed my diet, and for the first time in a while I decided to stop counting calories and macros. I once again allowed myself to eat 5 to 6 meals a day, small portions, keeping a balance of proteins and carbs with each meal. Enough to satisfy my appetite for 2 to 3 hours before my next meal. And while I admit during these 90 days I most probably lost some muscle mass; I did achieve a great look, ending with a body weight of 175 lbs.
Now, before I share the plan, I want to mention that I personally don’t like doing the same routines for more than 4 weeks straight, so based on Lazar’s routine, I created two new routines for the following 60 days of training which I will include with this post as well. Again, this is what worked for me, and I will never tell anyone that this might work for others as well.
Workout Routines
Note: Double set consist of doing two exercises one after the other. You do one set of the first exercises and without taking a break you do a set of the second exercise, then you take a break. And then repeat for the amounts of sets remaining.
Lazar Angelov’s Routine
Monday: Chest & Abs
Flat Bench: 4 Sets × 8 Reps
Incline Bench: 4 Sets × 8
Decline Bench: 4 Sets × 8
Pullovers: 4 Sets × 12
Hammer Press: 3 Sets × 12
Dips: 3 Sets × 12
Weighted Sit Ups: 4 Sets x failure
Hanging Leg Raises: – 4 Sets x failure
Side Bends: 4 Sets x failure
Side Crunches: 4 Sets x failure
Tuesday: Back, Traps & Forearms
Bent Over Row: 4 Sets × 8 Reps
Deadlift: 4 Sets × 8
Pulldowns: 4 Sets × 12
Pull Ups: 4 Sets × 12
Cable Row: 4 Sets × 12
Shrugs: 6 Sets × 10
Standing wrist curl behind back: 4 Sets x failure
Reverse barbell wrist curl over bench: 4 Sets x failure
Wednesday: Delts & Abs
Military Press Behind The Neck: 3 Sets × 8 Reps
Machine Press: 4 Sets × 8
Lateral Raises: 4 Sets x 10
Weight Plate Front Raises: 4 Sets ×10
Front Raise: 4 Sets × 10
Reverse Pec Deck: 4 Sets × 10
Reverse Fly’s (on incline bench): 4 Sets × 12
Weighted Sit Ups: 4 Sets x failure
Hanging Leg Raise: 4 Sets x failure
Side Bends: 4 Sets x failure
Side Crunches: 4 Sets x failure
Thursday: Triceps, Biceps & Forearms
Close Grip Bench Press: 4 Sets × 8 Reps
Tricep Pushdowns: 4 Sets × 8
EZ Bar Skullcrusher: 4 Sets × 10
Cable Kickback: 4 Sets × 12
EZ Bar Curl: 4 Sets × 8
Wide Grip Curl: 4 Sets × 8
Hammer Curl: 4 Sets × 8 Reps (each hand)
Concentration Curl: 4 Sets × 12
Standing wrist curl behind back: 4 Sets x failure
Reverse barbell wrist curl over bench: 4 Sets x failure
Friday: Legs, Calves & Abs
Squats: 4 Sets × 12 Reps
Squat (to bench): 4 Sets × 12
Bulgarian Squat: 4 Sets × 12
Quad Extensions: 4 Sets × 16
Stiff Leg Deadlift: 4 Sets × 12
Leg Curls: 4 Sets × 16
Glute Kickbacks: 4 Sets × 20
Calf Machine Raises: 4 Sets × 20
Seated Calf Raises: 4 Sets × 20
Leg Press Calf Raises: 4 Sets × 20
Weighted Sit ups: 4 Sets x failure
Air bike: 4 Sets x failure
Side Bends: 4 Sets x failure
Barbell Twists: 4 Sets x failure
Saturday and Sunday: Rest Days
My routine for the following 30 days
Monday: Legs & Calves
Squats: 4 Sets x 8
Legs Press: 3 Sets x 12
Legs Extensions: 3 Sets x 8
Hips Abductions: 4 Sets x 10
Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 3 Sets x 10
Legs Curls: 2 Sets x 12
Calf Machine Raises: 3 Sets x 20
Seated Calf Raises: 3 Sets x 25
Tuesday: Chest
Double Set-
Incline Bench Press: 3 Sets x 8
Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 3 Sets x 8
Regular Sets
Flat Bench Press: 3 Sets x 9
Decline Bench Press: 3 Sets x 9
Dips: 2 Sets till failure
Pec Deck: 3 Sets x 10
Standing wrist curl behind back: 3 Sets x failure
Reverse Dumbbell wrist curl over bench: 3 Sets x failure
Wednesday: Back & Traps
Barbell Rows: 2 Sets x 10
V-Bar PullDowns: 3 Sets x 12
Lat Wide Pulldowns: 3 Sets x 8
Cable Rows: 3 Sets x 8
Underhand Barbell Rows: 3 Sets x 15
Alternating PullDowns: 2 Sets x 12
Back Extensions Machine: 2 Sets x 12
Dumbbell Shrugs: 3 Sets x 12
Thursday: Shoulder & Triceps
Dumbbell Press: 3 Sets x 12
Military Press: 2 Sets x 8
Dumbbells In and Outs: 2 Sets x 8
Double Set-
Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 3 Sets x 10
Front Plate Raises: 3 Sets x 10
Posterior Deltoids Machine 2 Sets x 10
Cable Pushdowns: 3 Sets x 10
Seated Dips Machine: 3 Sets x 12
Lying Dumbbell Extensions: 2 Sets x 10
Reverse Grip Triceps Pushdowns: 2 Sets x 12
Overhead Extensions: 2 Sets x 10
Friday: Biceps & Abs
21s: 1 Set
Straight Bar Curls: 3 Sets x 10
Hammer Curls: 2 Sets x 10
Curl Bar Curls: 3 Sets x 10
Rope Curls: 3 Sets x 12
Overhead Cable Curls: 3 Sets x 10
Kneeling Cable Crunches: 3 Sets x 15-20
Legs Raises: 3 Sets till failure
Heels To The Heavens: 3 Sets x 10-12
Dumbbell Side Bend: 3 Sets x 12
Saturday and Sunday: Rest Days
My routine for the following 30 days
Monday: Back, Forearms & Abs
50 Pull-Ups (As many sets as needed to get to 50 reps total)
Alternating Pulldowns: 4 Sets x 10
Bent Over Pulldowns: 4 Sets x 10
Pro-Bar Pulldowns: 3 Sets x 10
Cable Rows: 3 Sets x 8
Toes to Bar: 3 Sets till failure
Standing Oblique Cable Crunch: 3 Sets x 10
Kneeling Cable Crunches: 3 Sets x 12
Reverse barbell wrist curl over bench: 3 Sets x failure
Tuesday: Shoulders & Traps
Military Press: 4 Sets x 10
Upright Rows: 4 Sets x 8
Inclined Incline Front Raises: 3 Sets x 10
Cable Lateral Raises: 3 Sets x 10
Cable Rope Rear-Delt Rows: 3 Sets x 8
Barbell Shrugs: 3 Sets x 12
Dumbbell Shrugs: 3 Sets 15
Wednesday: Legs
Squats: 3 Sets x 8 with 1 drop set at the last set x 8 reps
Double Set-
Dumbbell Step Front Lunges: 3 Sets x 8
Legs Extensions: 3 Sets x 8
Legs Press: 4 Sets x 10
Hip Abductions: 3 Sets x 10
Glutes Blaster Machine: 2 Sets x 8
Dumbbell Stiff Legs Deadlifts: 3 Sets x 10
Seated Legs Curls: 3 Sets x 12
Seated Calf Raises: 3 Sets x 25
Calf Machine Raises: 3 Sets x 20
Thursday: Chest & Abs
Flat Bench Press: 4 Sets x 10
Incline Bench Press: 3 Sets x 8
Decline Bench Press: 3 Sets x 8
Cable Flyes: 3 Sets 10
Dumbbell Pullover: 3 Sets x 10
Weighted Dips: 3 Sets x 8-10
Seated Cable Crunches: 3 Sets x 20
Heels to the Heavens: 3 Sets till failure
Dumbbell Side Bends: 2 Sets x 10
Friday: Biceps & Triceps
Straight Bar Curls: 3 Sets x 10
Alternating Dumbbell Curls: 3 Sets x 8
Incline Dumbbell Curls: 3 Sets x 8
Dumbbell Preacher Curls: 3 Sets x 10
Cross-Body Cable Triceps Extensions: 3 Sets x 12
Skull Crushers: 4 Sets x 12
Triceps Pushdowns: 4 Sets x 8-10
Dumbbell Kicks: 2 Sets x 12
Saturday and Sunday: Rest Days
Hey Yass! I am impressed with your determination and your willingness to share so others can benefit from your hard work! I also have to stretch my ITs a lot and now I have to stretch even more “extremely” because as we age, our muscles just need more help! 🙂 My ham strings have to be stretched to the extreme, so what I have to do each morning is work out and when I stretch them I have to be in a middle split as far as the morning will let me go and lean as far forward as I can to get the most stretch possible. I’ve reached the floor. So I just lay there until I can’t feel the stretch anymore and move on.
Thanks for sharing with us! You rock!!!
Hi Jill! Thank you so much for your comment. I believe in sharing, hoping I help others get the inspiration they need to be able to make changes happen. I agree with you about stretching and how important it is. That is something I seriously need to work on, and I’m sure because I haven’t, it has been part of the reason why I have injured myself in the past. Working out for almost 2 hours now I can’t seem to find the time to stretch but that will change soon, since my workouts will be shorter in about a week or so.